Cultural Centre South Bank

Street Science @ WOrld Science Festival 

TRI are again participating in the Street Science weekend at the Cultural Centre Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th March. All are welcome and the event is free to attend. More than 40 free immersive activities will be set up for families to enjoy including exploring the science behind robots, fossils, bubbles, slime, spiders, solar energy, drones, augmented reality, experiments and even explosions.

TRI along with QUT and SPARQ-Ed (UQ) will be show-casing 3D printing and running green flourecent protein experiment. 

Street Science is free, come and visit us at the TRI stand and bring your friends and family along. 

Look out for - TRI Medical Super Heroes Stand 7 

Check out the full program World Science Festival program here

Call out for Volunteers: 

If you are interested in participating please email [email protected] for further information and details.