Expressions of interest 

TRI is seeking Expressions of Interest from Biotech/Medtech startup companies that are looking to take their research from laboratory discovery to application in the community. 

The objectives of this Expressions of Interest are to:

  • Provide interested parties with an opportunity to enter further dialog with TRI on their specific needs, timing and how the facility could enhance their research capabilities;   
  • Assist TRI determine the level of market demand, facilities and infrastructure requirements from potential end users;
  • Allow TRI to develop a prospective tenant list for ongoing discussion during the build process; and
  • Inform the designing of TM@TRI to ensure broad appeal and to build an understanding of deal-breaker considerations in the design process.

Your responses to this Expression of Interest are confidential and TRI will take reasonable steps to ensure confidentially.  By submitting a response, you agree that TRI may use the data provided by you in the EOI (only de-identified information will be shared) for the Objectives listed above. 

Register an Expression of Interest here: